About Me

Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my website and see what we're all about! I’ve always enjoyed sewing. During my high school years, I made most of my own clothes. In those years it was less expensive to sew your own clothes than buy them. However, after marriage and having two boys, I slowly quit sewing and busied myself with other things like baseball, football, soccer and boy stuff in general. Those were great years. Then in 2016 my husband asked what I wanted for Christmas, and I told him I wanted a new sewing machine (something I hadn’t thought about in years.) We picked it out together and I was so amazed at all the new gadgets and advancement in the machines since my last visit to the fabric store. I also realized how much I had missed the smell and joy of cruising through fabric stores.

Then, in the summer of 2017, I had a health issue that was a little unnerving. I was unable to do much of anything and though I wanted to just lay down and sleep, my doctor insisted I had to force myself to do things. It would be a slow recovery, but I would get better.

Accepting that I had to force my brain to think in order to get better, I set out to challenge myself with something fun. Something that would make me think but I would enjoy at the same time. There was a tote bag at my favorite sewing store that I just loved. So, I got the pattern and made it. It took some time and patience, but I did it. Then I found another pattern and another; I loved the whole creative process so much that I wanted to just keep making them. My husband, after each bag was finished and I would ask him what he thought, would ask “Now, what are you going to do with that one?” One day I replied, “Maybe I’ll sell them!” And so here we are!

Today, I continue to enjoy creating beautiful things and being able to share them with you brings me joy. I look forward to seeing what you find in my collections that in turn will bring joy to you!

Tamera (Tami)